This page includes the most common questions regarding Castor. For more details please find Castor supporting information in PROMOTE-ALI Ongoing projects tab or contact us at
This page includes the most common questions regarding Castor. For more details please find Castor supporting information in PROMOTE-ALI Ongoing projects tab or contact us at
Castor – link to enter the project
* Where do I enter Castor with my username and password?
Castor electornic CRF
* Where can I find electoronic CRF for PROMOTE-ALI project?
Castor – data collection
Please follow the links below to find a detalied guide and video on how to do so
* Can I store patient’s hospital number directly on Castor?
All data inserted in Castor should be anonymous. Please do not include any data that may identify a patients in database.
Castor Login/Password questions
* I did not receive Castor login/password?
First, please check if you have already been contacted by a regional/local lead or they included your details
Than please check the spam folder – the subject in the email is: „You were invited to join ‘PROMOTE-ALI’ on Castor EDC“ comes from the Castor Electronic Data Capture system